CPU Usage problems

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CPU Usage problems

2023-12-06 14:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

HI Everyone on this thread, So I have found the problem with my machine, I decided take it to our local ASUS Tech workshop and the following was found (On my machine as we don't know if this is on all of the FX505DV models) My machine was freaking out because of the VRAM's on both the CPU and GPU were overheating - the reason for this is that from the factory my machine got shipped with thermal paste on the VRAM's which did not conduct the heat to the heat-pipe cooling very well The solution was to replace the thermal paste on the VRAM's of both the CPU and GPU with good quality thermal Pads instead, so far under heavy load with the GPU and CPU loaded with rendering tasks which usually pushed my machine to 106 degrees Celsius, it is now staying below 95 degrees on the CPU and 83 degrees on the GPU and I have massively increased performance across the board. I hope this really helps someone PS- This might not help everyone as we also found that my machine has a faulty chip-set which will be replaced in a month or so as soon as they get the parts shipped in

( The symptoms of my faulty chip-set has been 1- Overvolting of the CPU, 2- Wifi and Bluetooth devices dropping out of signal, 3- USB devises disconnecting intermittently and 4- Over driving of the fans resulting in bearing damage to the fans and some other odds and ends that I cannot remember right now )  Thanks for everyone on this thread for the advice and tips. Peace




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